Oct 13, 2021

The Benefits and Uses of seaweed extract on agricultural crop plant

Seaweed fertilizer is an organic fertilizer extracted from marine algae, which can promote crop growth, increase yield, reduce diseases and pests, and enhance the ability of crops to resist cold and drought. It has good biocompatibility with the ecological environment. Its fertilizer effect depends on the nutrients contained in seaweed, which is green, safe, efficient, non-toxic, harmless and pollution-free.

The application effect of seaweed fertilizer on various crops is remarkable:

1、 Fruit trees:The application of seaweed fertilizer in fruit trees can prevent soil hardening and salinization, and significantly improve the ecological environment and soil structure of orchards. Effectively prevent the situation of large and small years.

  1. Apple, pear

(1) After applying base fertilizer or root irrigation in autumn, it can enhance tree potential, promote root development, improve drought resistance and disease resistance, and prevent freezing injury.

(2) Spraying at the germination stage and before flowering can promote flower bud differentiation and promote the growth of new shoots (but not crazy growth), resulting in strong branches and stems.

(3) Topdressing at flowering stage, young fruit stage, before bagging and fruit stage can effectively supplement various trace elements lacking in physiology and various nutrients needed in different growth stages. In particular, the demand of apple, pear and other fruit trees for calcium, iron, manganese and zinc. Improve fruit setting rate, reduce physiological fruit drop, delay leaf senescence and expand fruit quickly.

(4) improve fruit tree disease resistance and reduce the incidence rate of physiological and pathological diseases. In particular, it has significant control effect on lobular disease, bitter pox disease, Defoliation Disease and ring rot.

(5) High yield and good quality. The fruit color is uniform, the wax is thick, the finish is good, the fruit size is uniform, and the taste and sugar degree are significantly improved. Early maturing for 5-7 days, the fruit water is not easy to volatilize and is resistant to storage.

  1. Peach


(1) After the application of base fertilizer, the germination rate is high and the branching ability is strong. It is easy to sprout multiple secondary shoots on the main shoots, and the branches inside and outside the canopy are relatively uniform and dense. The results are early and the formation is fast.

(2) Topdressing at flowering stage, young fruit stage, before bagging and fruit stage can make the leaves green and bright, improve the utilization rate of light, reduce physiological fruit drop, expand the fruit quickly, promote fruit coloring and maturity, and delay tree aging.

(3) Enhance the disease resistance of the tree, and significantly control the physiological and pathological diseases such as fruit cracking, fruit shrinkage, leaflets, yellow leaves, black stars, fallen leaves and so on.

(4) Improve fruit quality, large peach, good coloring, enhance sugar content, sweet taste, mature 3-5 days in advance.

  1. Grape


(1) Promote root development, strong taproot and dense fibrous root, and improve the ability of root to absorb nutrients and water in soil. Enhance drought resistance, cold resistance and disease resistance.

(2) The leaves are stretched and plump, the leaf color is dark green, the chlorophyll content is high, the photosynthesis ability is strong, the flower bud differentiation ability is strong, the flower and fruit setting rate is high, and the plant grows vigorously.

(3) Improve disease resistance, reduce physiological diseases such as yellow (dead) leaves and leaflets, and have significant control effects on rotten fruit diseases such as downy mildew, house blight, black pox and gray mold,

(4) The grain size is reduced, the ear grain is large, compact and uniform, the color is good, the sugar content is increased by 2-3 degrees, and the yield is increased early.

  1. Citrus


(1) After applying base fertilizer or root irrigation, it can promote root development and grow healthily. Improve the drought and cold resistance of citrus, reduce the overwintering frozen branches, and the prevention effect of late spring cold is remarkable.

(2) Topdressing in pre flowering, early flowering, young fruit stage and fruit expansion stage can increase the fruit setting rate, protect flowers and fruits, and reduce physiological fruit drop and cracking.

(3) Improve the disease resistance of tree and fruit, and greatly reduce diseases such as ulcer and spot rot.

(4) Improve the fruit quality, make the fruit early mature, increase the nutrient content, increase the sugar content by more than 2 degrees, have good taste, good coloring, smooth skin, and the fruit is said to be storage resistant

  1. West (sweet) melon


(1) After seed dressing, the seed germination rate is improved, the root is thick, the seedling is strong, and the disease resistance is strong.

(2) The plant grows vigorously, the leaves are plump, the color is bright, and the flower bud differentiation and fruit setting are improved.

(3) Improve plant disease resistance, and have significant preventive effects on physiological and pathological diseases such as yellow leaf, flower topping, wilt and virus.

(4) High output and good quality. The fruit expands quickly, the skin is thin, the flesh is thick, the skin color is thick, the luster is good, the abnormal fruit is few, the early maturity and high yield are high, the sugar content is generally increased by 2-3 percentage points, and the storage and transportation is durable.

Dorcas,a leading biotechnology factory in Qingdao, China. As top three manufacturers of seaweed fertilizer in China with more than12 years of experience. We produce seaweed extract, organic granular fertilizer, liquid foliar & vigoroot fertilizer and liquid chitosan fertilizer with biological enzymolysis method. We passed ECOCERT and IMO certification.

More detail: www.dorcas-bio.com